Social Roles and Relationships
Nov 02, 2020

Social Roles/Relationships  

A 12 lesson study exploring our relationships with God, government, parents and peers with a special emphasis on cultivating friendship relationships, dating, courtship and marriage.

Notes:  PDF Files    Power Points:  PPT Files     Audio:  MP3 Files

“Equipping the Body of Christ to Fulfill Purpose and Achieve Destiny”

 Social Roles Student 8.5X11.pdf
 Social Roles Student A4.pdf
 Social Roles Teacher 8.5X11.pdf
 Social Roles Teacher A4.pdf
 Social Roles 1.ppt
 01 Introduction To Relationships.mp3
 02 Relationship To God.mp3
 03 Relating To Authority.mp3
 04 Relating To The Body Of Christ.mp3
 05 Cultivating Friendship I.mp3
 06 Cultivating Friendship II.mp3
 07 Cultivating Friendship III.mp3
 08 Maintaining Moral Purity In Relationships.mp3
 09 Romantic Relationships I.mp3
 10 Romantic Relationships II.mp3
 11 Dating and Engagement I.mp3
 12 Dating and Engagement II.mp3

Social Roles Student 8.5X11.pdf
Social Roles Student A4.pdf
Social Roles Teacher 8.5X11.pdf
Social Roles Teacher A4.pdf
Social Roles 1.ppt
01 Introduction To Relationships.mp3
02 Relationship To God.mp3
03 Relating To Authority.mp3
04 Relating To The Body Of Christ.mp3
05 Cultivating Friendship I.mp3
06 Cultivating Friendship II.mp3
07 Cultivating Friendship III.mp3
08 Maintaining Moral Purity In Relationships.mp3
09 Romantic Relationships I.mp3
10 Romantic Relationships II.mp3
11 Dating and Engagement I.mp3
12 Dating and Engagement II.mp3